A local 501(c)3 non profit
We provide community-based economic development through promotions, marketing, events, arts & culture and historic preservation.
Okeechobee Main Street was formed in 2002 as an associate member of the Florida Main Street Program and has operated as a volunteer-driven Florida Main Street Community and in 2004 became an accredited member of the National Trust for Historic Preservations’ Main Street America Program.
Since 2004, Okeechobee Main Street has been presented with 20 Secretary of State Awards for rehabilitation projects, new construction, partnerships with the City of Okeechobee, Okeechobee County, local program supporters and Arts & Culture Programs.
Build awareness of Historic Downtown Okeechobee and beyond.
Organize and present nine annual downtown events.We are a local art agency, Arts & Culture Alliance of Okeechobee County, promoting the arts through art events and exhibits, building a strong art presence in Okeechobee.
Organize Monthly Business Partner's Mixers.
Maintain a website for our Community Partners & visitors along with an active social media presence on Facebook.
Produce weekly informative e-newsletter, “The Main Street Happenings”, distributed to all Community Partners and linked to our Facebook page that reaches over 4000+ followers.